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The NeedMalawi consistently ranks as one of the top three hardest hit countries in the world for HIV with over 9% HIV prevalence rates.
It is also one of the poorest and densely populated nations with 19 million citizens in a small country. The average life expectancy at birth is 61 years With all this in mind, over 90% over the population lives in rural areas of Malawi and therefore don’t have access to mass media and widespread knowledge of HIV and AIDS. |
We perform a short comedy to introduce the topic of HIV and then launch into our main play, The Three Spirits, which is full of laughter, sadness, song, and dance.
Our play educates villagers on our three main points:
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After our theatre village day we provide multiple additional projects
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Take a listen to one of our many songs produced by our local singing group that creates beautiful songs about HIV. This song is a little different. This was a Malawian adaptation of Michael Jackson's We Are The World.
“Together! ACT Now has saved people’s lives.” |
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Highest Transparency Level501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization EIN: 27-3011543 |
[email protected] Address: Together! ACT Now 10420 Lone Tree Dr. Anchorage, AK 99507 USA |